The purpose for the Ultreyas is to provide spiritual encouragement.
The Ultreya is part of the international Cursillo Movement in Christianity whose goal is to grow in faith and Christian values. The word 'ultreya' means 'keep going.' "Cursillo" means short course in Christianity.
Even though the Cursillo Movement is not an organization, there is an archdiocesan leadership and the ultreyas have a spiritual leader which is usually a priest, deacon or religious.
The parish ultreya participates with other parish ultreyas for retreats or days of reflection. Once a year there is a gathering of all the ultreyas in the archdiocese. There is also a regional gathering twice a year. Our region includes Texas, Oklahoma and Louisiana.
The archbishop encourages all cursillistas to wear their Cursillo cross on the 1st Sunday of the month no matter what Mass they attend.
There is an archdiocesan English ultreya which meets at St. Jude on Wednesdays at 7pm. The St. John Berchman Ultreya is basically a Spanish Ultreya, however, most of us are bilingual. For more information please call the church office at 210-434-3247.
Contact: Eva Rodriguez
Meetings and Mass
Meetings: To be announced
Mass: To be announced
Spiritual Leader:
Lay Director: TBA