Finance Council
The St. John Berchmans Finance Council is a consultative body of parishioners with special competence in financial and business management matters. The members of the council offer their time and talents to advise and support the Pastor, Fr. Fidèle, in the administration of parish financial operations. Although the Code of Canon Law reserves the right of final decision making to the Pastor, it intends for Pastors to seek the advice of parish finance members when necessary. To this end, the Pastor includes the St. John Berchmans Finance Council in the parish financial decision making process. The Finance Council meets the first Friday of every three months. The council meets four times a year.
Council Members
Fr. Fidèle Dikete | Pastor |
Olivia Lopez | Bookkeeper |
Kimberly Mata | Chairperson |
Pastoral Council
The role of the Parish Pastoral Council is to assist, counsel and advise Fr. Fidele and provide sound judgment on the direction of the parish, and in many cases offer counsel on difficult decisions that face the parish. The Pastoral Council is considered the leadership of the parish and should have a representative of each parish organization on it. These leaders serve as the voice for all parish ministries/organizations. The Council strives to keep open lines of communication between the parish, school and all ministries/organizations in an effort to promote a one community parish family. The Pastoral Council meets the first Thursday of every other month; six times a year.
Council Members
Fr. Fidèle Dikete | Pastor |
Kimberly Mata | Chairperson |
TBA | Youth Ministry |
Dora Duran / Oralia Cantu | Vigil Team |
Laura Castañeda | ACTS Core |
Cynthia Sandoval | Faith Formation |
Michael Rodriguez | CYO |
Knights of Columbus | |
Olivia Lopez | Office Manager / Bookkeeper |
Joan Orosco | Liturgy Coordinator |
Rosalinda Garza Marie Sanchez MaryAnn Arocha |
Home Bound |
John Diaz | Good Samaritans of SJB |
Stella Rico | Church Cleaning Coordinator |
Christine McWilliams | Website & Facebook |